Parish Faith Formation in Grades 1 – 8
Our Faith Formation program supports parents, the primary educators of faith. Each family is a domestic church where faith is learned, lived, and shared. Our program uses the Finding God curriculum from Loyola Press to help families share the life and love of God. We have a hybrid program that offers in person classes twice a month on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays at 5:00. When students do not come in person, work is completed at home. In the Finding God books, there are QR Codes to share Scripture, song, and activities. At the end of each lesson, students play an online review game. Results are submitted via email. The information learned in the lesson is reinforced in the review games. Submitting review game results lets us know that families are keeping up with the lessons.
The Church obliges us to attend weekly Mass. The Third Commandment tells us to keep the Sabbath holy. Families are strongly urged to prioritize weekly Mass attendance. Learning the beauty of our faith happens in the classroom. Knowledge, moral formation, and liturgical education happen at Mass. The very presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist touches our hearts and minds and brings us into relationship with Christ and His Church.
The sacrament years for First Holy Communion and Confirmation have special parent nights to support classroom and at home learning. We also have a Mass attendance component that uses a QR Code. Retreats are also included for each grade. See our calendar for dates.
Faith Formation in the Family
In Grades 1-2, families should teach their children to pray simple prayers: the Sign of the Cross, Grace Before Meals, the Our Father, and Hail Mary. A regular prayer life gives children a sense of security knowing that they are loved beyond measure. We all love our children. God loves them more! Giving Mass a priority in your schedule shows your child how important God is to your family. Talk about your experience with Mass and the Sacraments of Confession and First Holy Communion.
In Grades 3-5, help your child grow in their Catholic identity by introducing them to the saints and read stories from the Bible. Walk through the lives of Jesus and Mary by praying the Rosary as a family. Hang a crucifix or holy image in your home. Make it a point to remind them of the importance of weekly Mass.
In Grades 6-8, help your child to see Jesus and the saints as role models for their lives. Point out the connections between their lives and Scripture messages heard at Mass. Encourage their participation in the prayers and songs at Mass. Guide them to experience parish life by participating in youth nights and volunteering in parish activities. Let your child know of your love of your faith and your love of God.