Adult Confirmation Overview


Adult Confirmation Pre-Registration Information 

Who is invited? 

Any baptized adult who has received First Communion but who has postponed the reception of Confirmation is invited to participate in four classes prior to receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. Please note that the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary to be a godparent at baptism and to serve in church ministry. This sacrament is also highly recommended for those preparing for the sacrament of Matrimony. 

What will the classes be like? 

The classes will introduce the adult learner to major aspects of the Catholic faith including salvation history, the Bible, the sacraments, and prayer. These classes will be an opportunity to ask questions and move forward in faith.   

What do you need to begin? 

Before the first class, anyone who registers will need a record of Baptism. This record is easily obtained by contacting the church where the Baptism took place. This record along with the registration form will be submitted prior to the first class. A donation of $10.00 payable to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is submitted at the first class.  All those to be confirmed will need a sponsor who is 16 years of age or older and is a confirmed, practicing Catholic. 

What about marriage and reception of Confirmation? 

Please contact your parish priest if you are in a civil marriage (without prior marriages) because your marriage will need to be convalidated in the church prior to reception of Confirmation. If you are divorced and remarried, please speak to your parish priest regarding an annulment prior to reception of Confirmation. 

To register for classes or for further information, contact Edna Donoghue at 

or call 508-697-9528.

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