Welcome to the Faith Formation Page!
Faith Formation Director
Debbie Hill dhill@sta-parish.org
Faith Formation Secretary
Maryann Ofstein faithformation@sta-parish.org
Welcome to Faith Formation at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish! Our parish learned how to reach its youngest parishioners in new ways. We offer a hybrid model of faith formation that involves the parish supporting parents at home. This model allows children to come together to experience their faith with one another.
Grades 1 & 2
Students in Grades 1 & 2 will use texts from Loyola Press called, “Finding God.” Our First Communion program includes first and second grades. These are exciting and engaging years. Our goal is to build on this excitement and offer a program with more opportunities to come together. The first graders will learn about God and his creation. They begin to learn their prayers. In second grade, they will learn about Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Weekly Mass attendance is part of their preparation and training and is therefore expected.
Grades 3-8
Students in Grades 3-8 will continue using the “Finding God” curriculum that engages the heart, mind, and soul of a child to help them find God in all things. It grabs their interest by using multimedia resources: QR codes, videos, online games. It gives them instant feedback. The curriculum is not only kid friendly but also parent friendly. Weekly Mass attendance is part of their preparation and training and is therefore expected.
The Archdiocese of Boston has recommended Confirmation be moved to Grade 8. We are using the following schedule to implement this:
2024-25: Grades 9 & 10 confirmed together
2025-26: Grades 8 & 9 confirmed together
2026-27: Grade 8 Confirmation
All classes will be held in person, twice a month with grades 9 & 10 attending at the same time & on the same night. Weekly Mass attendance is part of their preparation and training, and is therefore expected. To facilitate this, the regular 5:00 pm Sunday Mass, held at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, offers Confirmation students the opportunity attend this Mass prior to attending their 6:15 pm Confirmation class. This is a youth-oriented Mass, geared toward high school and college-aged students.
Confirmation Curriculum
Confirmation students will be using “Chosen” from Ascension Press. This is a video and discussion-based program. Students will meet approximately 15 times per year. See our Confirmation Calendar for the specific schedule.
Attendance is critical and will be a determining factor on the student’s readiness to receive the sacrament.
Service Hours
We hope to provide opportunities for students to express their faith in action. More information will be shared at the parent meeting. “So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2:17
Guest Speakers & Special Events
Guest speakers will present in a large group format, followed by students meeting in small groups to discuss and participate in related activities. In addition to classes, all Confirmation students will be given the opportunity to participate in special events, which include Adoration, Confession, and service projects. These opportunities aim to help students get a taste of the fullness of our faith.
Day Retreats
The day retreat has become an integral part of the students growing in and experiencing their faith. Because the retreat is part of the Confirmation program, it is expected that all students will participate. More information will be available at the parent meeting.
1. How often will my child meet for class?
Students meet twice a month for in-person learning at our parish center. Please see the Calendar for the specific schedule.
2. Why aren’t weekly classes offered anymore?
The drop off system for faith formation has not worked for some time. We are offering a hybrid program for three reasons:
3. What is the benefit of teaching at home versus in class?
The faith is the first and best community a child has. It has the most significant influence on the child’s religious understanding. Parish involvement is a support, and not the primary provider of faith formation.
4. How is the cost of faith formation registration determined?
We have received questions regarding the cost of the program. The tuition covers more than the just the book. It also includes building use, supplies, salaries, speakers, and extra-curricular activities. The parish does not make a profit. In fact, the faith formation program is subsidized in the amount of $25,000 by the parish.
5. What if I can’t afford to pay for faith formation?
Financial hardship is never a barrier to faith formation. If there are financial difficulties, please contact Debbie Hill, Faith Formation Director (508-697-3652) to discuss assistance.